Tuesday, May 17, 2016

INFRACON, ePACE and up-Scaled INAM PRO launched

INFRACON, ePACE and up-Scaled INAM PRO launched
The government has launched ePACE, INFRACON and an updated version of INAMPRO, three innovative IT initiatives of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, developed in house by NHIDCL(National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.)
ePACE (Projects Appraisal & Continuing Enhancements) is an online integrated Management Information System that brings projects from all wings of the Ministry under a common platform, ensuring their effective and real time tracking. More than 2000 projects being executed by multiple agencies are currently listed on the portal and it is possible to get any information about their real time status, fund utilization etc. The portal also allows for validation checks to prevent wrongful entries, making it difficult to fudge figures. It has also been provided with GIS interface to enable easy geo-tracking of the projects. ePACE as a platform is amenable to be used for monitoring projects pertaining to any ministry in the country and can improve governance of such projects.
INFRACON is the National Portal for Infrastructure Consultancy Firms and Key Personnel. This portal acts as a kind of bridge between consultancy firms working in the road engineering and construction sector and domain experts and key personnel who are deployed both for project preparation and supervision. The portal hosts the credentials of consultancy firms and key personnel and has linkages to Aadhar and Digi-locker for data validation and purity.
INAM PRO has been developed as a web-based application for Infrastructure and Material Providers. It is a kind of a web based market place that brings together the material providers and the prospective buyers on a common platform. The platform was launched in March 2015 to facilitate contractors and cement buyers engaged in executing central/state funded roads and highways and bridge construction projects to place cement orders online with the registered cement companies offering cement at competitive rates in the vicinity of project execution locations. Using INAM Pro, companies can track orders, add more products, add cement offerings, view listed buyers, and submit their complaints or suggestions to Ministry. With the help of INAM Pro, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways will be able to track and monitor the activities of buyers and suppliers, and remove impediments of both the parties.

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